Tuesday, January 27, 2009

When We Were Young

Well hello.
I found out I get to play a show with this awesome band called Backstories.. you should check them out HERE.
It's pretty sweet; we are paling at my school, so hopefully a ton of people come! Its gonna be fun, I was just laying out the show today, I'm gonna play normal songs just guitar and vocals, and a cover of my other band but On the UKULELE! yup, haha, and a new demo I am working on for the studio. Which are the lyrics im gonna have you read today. and I'm doing it a awesomely interesting way! On banjo, with Harmonica around my neck, and playing the Tambourine with my feet! it has been interesting getting used to playing three instruments at once..

OK. So, lyrics, this song is called When We Were Young. It's about childhood innocence, and imagination. Childhood adventure, and foresight. i will post video of this when the show is over, the show is Feb 11th, at 7. So, probably expect video around... the 14th. sweet! yup yup/ so ya, without further anything..

When We Were Young

Wont you come walk with me
We'll go hunt bumble bees
We could play hide and seek
Just count to ten, and promise not to peek

Don't you wish we were free
Like we were when we were wee little lads
We could go play in the sand
Make a castle tall and grand

Let's play make believe
Your the princess and I'm the knight on my steed
I'll storm those castle walls
Until that dragon falls

Now your standing there in that same place
With a smile on your face
But now we're twenty-three
I'm down on one knee, and you say..

Wont you come walk with me
We'll go hunt bumble bees

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