Thursday, February 19, 2009

Twenty-Three Below.

hello hello!
it is 5:57 am right now.. and i have still not gone to bed.
yes I am insane I know.
just tonight I saw this amazing songwriter named SHEVY SMITH. check out her songs on her MYSPACE>

So, I have been super down lately, all I wanna do it play shows with my band! I cant wait to get back this summer, I have 2 songs that I have to write.. (joke songs. of course.)
well, anyways, here is an old lyric for ya, I wrote this one on a plane.. the stewardess got kinda angry.. cause I took my guitar out and started writing a song. but hey inspiration waits for no one.. even if its 1 am any you are on a plane.. ha. so, this song is about this girl I have an enormous crush on.. she is in california, so I was flying away from Cali to Minnesota, and I really really missed her, I wrote this song.. so. It's begins on a plane, the main part of the song is about being in freezing cold weather but not "being" cold. and Then Not being able to wait to get back to be with her..
too bad she has no idea i like her.. BLAST.
so without saying another word:

Twenty-Three Below

Thirty thousand feet above the ground
Lights shining all around
I can't seem to find how
To get your smile out of my mind

The seven wonders can't compare
With your beauty so fair
Everything about you wild
My favorite color is your smile

Temperature says its twenty-three below
I can't seem to find a way to be cold
With thoughts of you running through my mind.

I can't wait to return to those shores
Stand bare feet in the sand
Watch the sun fade away
With your hand, your hand in mine

Temperature says its twenty-three below
I can't seem to find a way to be cold
With thoughts of you running through my mind.

Temperature says its twenty-three below
I can't seem to find a way to be cold
With thoughts of you running through my mind.

We'll run around without any shoes
We will act like fools
We'll skip across those California shores
And watch everyone fade away

Temperature says its twenty-three below
I can't seem to find a way to be cold
With thoughts of you running through my mind.

1 comment:

Erin Frushon said...

ok pretty sweet you started playing on a plane. haha plus i like the song too =)